LIKE Christmas, Easter is pagan in origin;
and its movable date is even based on the older lunar calendar.
Children enjoy
the surviving ancient pagan customs, such as Easter eggs - which, of
originally symbolised fertility. Though Christmas has become the
most popular (and expensive) festival in the Christian calendar, it is
that is both theologically and traditionally by far the more important,
for it
commemorates the victorious resurrection of the divine Jesus, following
willing propitiative sacrifice on the cross, said to have been required
for the
reconciliation of God and sinful humanity, so as to open up Heaven to
believers. The week preceding Easter, culminating in the oppressive
of Good Friday, is therefore known as Holy Week. Vicarious
Atonement The qualifying test for entry to Heaven is
not, strictly speaking, leading a decent life but being baptised and
"accepting Christ as Saviour". Other gods who had taken human form
date back to the ancient Egyptians. Human redemption through the
suffering is called "vicarious atonement" - the word
"vicarious" deriving from vicar: that is, one who stands in for
another, as Christ is supposed to stand in for us. It is meant to
assuage God's
anger against us, though punishing one person - especially an innocent
person -
in place of others is hardly what we would count as justice. In fact,
undermines the whole civilised notion of justice. (In the religious
Ages, however, it was acceptable for high-born boys who were too
important to
be punished for their own misdemeanours to employ whipping-boys!) Even if, as we are told, there
is to be compensating justice in the world to come, God remains unjust
in this,
the only world we know. And not only vis-a-vis the sacrificial victim;
whole human race is subject to the chances of disease, disability, and
disaster. Nonetheless, the whole
theological raison d'etre of Christianity is the vicarious atonement of
to offset the guilt of the first man's disobeying his creator - that
is, of
Original Sin. Though it is difficult to imagine anything more unjust
inherited guilt, let alone eternal punishment for it, orthodox
maintain that Original Sin persists to stain the soul of every newborn
until the stain is removed by Christian baptism. The modern survival of
attenuated forms of Christianity is down to belonging, rather than
though it may retain the comforting hope of a blissful after-life, with
and friends reunited - but not usually fear of damnation. Debaptism CertificatesEven
baptism is no longer a sine qua non for salvation except among the
more rigorous sects. In the past few weeks there has been a surge of
debaptisms, and I am proud to
note that the National Secular Society's promotion of debaptism
based on my wording of a decade ago, has made sensational news and
comment in
the international media. The Atonement theory derives from the ancient annual custom of animal sacrifice, which was a modification of prehistoric human sacrifice. As sanctioned by the bible story of Abraham, the sacrificial animal was a substitute for the favourite son - though God "the Father" apparently stuck to the previous tradition. Fortunately, the majority of Christians do not honour him by following his bloodthirsty example. If, in Old Testament times, the head of a Jewish family neglected to slit the throat of a Passover lamb "without blemish" and to smear its blood on the portal of his house, Jehovah was sure to punish him by the death of his eldest son. The Sacrificial
Lamb To
the early Christians, Jesus was the infinite sacrificial lamb: Agnus
"who taketh away the sins of the world". For, said Christian
theologians, "without the shedding of blood there is no Redemption".
Don't ask me why! An omnipotent god, by definition, must be able to do
blood sacrifice. What good does it do? The only possible need for it is
appease a sadistic and unreasonable tyrant - - who, perversely, is said
to be
"perfect". In the first few centuries of the Christian
era, depictions of the crucifixion were less sadistic - more triumphant
- than
they became in the later Middle Ages, when the emblematic royal crown
worn by
the crucified Christ was transformed into the biblical crown of thorns.
burgeoning emphasis on the agony suffered by the Saviour is a form of
pornography, which stimulates heightened religious emotion - an
extension of
sexual emotion, especially in highly-sexed young people. It is the main
why some of them, wallowing in sado-masochistic fantasy, choose Jesus
as their
soul-mate and pledge themselves to lifelong celibacy as priests or
Indeed, a nun will often refer to herself as a Bride of Christ. Those who have seen the video
of the Ecstasy of St Teresa will recall the odious blood
dripping from
the crucifix. A similar exemplar from our own time is her namesake
Teresa of Calcutta, who unknowingly revealed her sexuality in youthful
descriptions of her religious visions. As her hormones aged, these
diminished in intensity - and I think this decline is what is really
meant by
the phrase "the dark night of the soul", said to be suffered by many
Christian saints. It was in the year 1224 that
Francis of Assisi, though no longer in the first flush of youth, was
said to
exhibit, while in an ecstacy of prayer, the wounds of the crucified
Christ in
his own body, so starting a craze for manifesting the stigmata, as it
is called
- now recognised medically as a symptom of hysteria. Certain reiterated
in Christian brain-washing - such as "He died for me" and "By
His stripes are we healed" - carry this strong emotive charge, which is
deliberately triggered by hymn-writers, in both their lyrics and
cadences, so that any relevant analytic questions are swept away in a
flow of
feeling. Having carried out a little
research into popular hymns of the 19th and 20th centuries, I am able
to quote
the words of a sado-masochistic verse from the Methodist Hymnbook, as
follows. There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Emanuel's veins - And sinners plunged beneath that flood Lose all their guilty
stains. (Presumably emerging horribly blood-stained instead!) Even more reprehensible, from the same collection, is a hymn
that is
actually designated a hymn for children. Here is one of its verses. He died that we might be forgiven - He died to make us good - That we might go at last to Heaven, Saved by His Precious Blood. Apart from its emotional seductiveness, its string of
non-sequiturs is
intrinsically anti-educational. As for the hymns that I remember from my own Catholic childhood, some of those in English from the Westminster Hymnal were remarkably similar in their sado-masochistic sentiment to the Methodist ones quoted. Here is a verse from one of them - which, I am now rather embarrassed to say, was my favourite hymn as a convent school-girl. Blood of my Saviour Bathe me in thy tide. Wash me ye waters Gushing from His side. (At least with this one the blood gets washed off in the end.) Needless to say, I was unaware in those days of its Freudian sexual implications. Only in maturity did I recognise that the religious feeling was identical to sexual arousal. How many believers who do recognise it will admit it? Simply being born human is
clearly what makes us all miserable sinners bound for Hell, at least
baptism has washed away our Original Sin. But apparently any subsequent
personal wrong-doing, being a sin (however venial) against the majesty
of the
godhead, somehow adds to the suffering of the incarnate god-self (or
son?) in
his earthly death throes. Contemplating this martyrdom often activates
susceptible believers a wellspring of sado-masochistic emotion (even in
so-called "happy-clappy" churches), together with irrational ideology
and varying degrees of mental instability. Let us expunge the toxic religiosity, simply enjoying the (far less unhealthy!) hot cross buns and Easter eggs. |